Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Peyton's blood work came back with good results. His blood is regenerating itself and his calcium and phosphorus levels are back in normal range. During his car seat study he got a little upset but finally calmed down and was able to hold his respiration and heart rate levels.

He got to come home last night about 7pm and we are so thankful. His first car ride was not his favorite, he seemed to think we were on a roller coaster or something. But we made it and he seems to be doing very well. He did mange to set off his monitor a couple of times but they were just false alarms do to his leads coming loose. He did have a little trouble eating last night but he figured it out about 2am this morning.

Sorry this post seems so scattered but we did not get much sleep last night. We just want to thank everyone who kept him in their prayers. God obviously has big plans for him and he is proof of the power of prayer.

Thank you and God bless. We will continue to update the blog so everyone can keep track of his progress.



  1. PRAISE GOD!!! I am so very excited that yall got to bring Peyton home! And this is earlier than previously expected right? Thats great! I would love to see more pics!

  2. Wonderful news about Peyton going home, I am just thrilled for the whole family. I will continue to pray for his continued healing and give God the Glory.

  3. awesome news!! i'm so glad that ya'll have your baby boy home with you now. God is so good and yes he does have some awesome plans for lil' Peyton. Nolan and I would love to see you guys. I know your lives are crazy right now so whenever you feel up to it, let us know. Maybe we can bring dinner?
