Monday, July 20, 2009

More Good News!

Alaina went to go see him this morning and thought she was looking at a different baby! They took the c-pap (I think that is what it is called) out of his nose. That was the device that was keeping pressure in his lungs so it wasn't so hard for him to breathe. Now he has just a normal oxygen line in his nose (like the ones that everyone else has--it goes around the ears). They are giving him 100% oxygen today as a precaution since they just switched him to that.


  1. Isnt he handsome? I can not wait to hold him. He is so precious. All that hair. its good to see all of his face now. The time is flying by fast & slow. Soon he will be home.
    Thanks again Aubrey.

  2. Peyton,it is wonderful to see you awake and holding Mom's finger. Remember, Baby Boy, you are perfectly made in Our Father. You and your family are in our prayers.
    David and Shirley Moore
