Monday, July 13, 2009

Peyton has moved up one floor!

Peyton is doing so good that he has moved to a new floor at the hospital. He is still in the level 3 NICU which is the most life-threatening, but has moved to the more stable part of that level.

Peyton now weighs a whopping 2 lbs 6 ozs! Because of this they are taking him off his lipids/fat--the milk is plumping him up just fine! He is getting 12mL of milk now and they may bump him up to 14mL!

Within a week or so they are planning to take the pressure line out of his nose that is helping keep his lungs inflated. They also hope to take the line out of his leg then which I think would mean he would not be hooked up to anything....maybe.

We are grateful for his progress!

1 comment:

  1. We are so glad that he has moved up. Baby Peyton and mama are definitely in our prayers.
    Jamie and Shara Surratt
