Wednesday, July 1, 2009


We have WONDERFUL praises to God for Peyton's progress!
1. He had a photo light above his bed to help break down bilirubin in his liver--The light is GONE!! And he had to have little glasses to cover his eyes from the bright light, but now he doesn't have to anymore. Mimi Mangum (Alaina's Mom) got to see his eyes open last night when they visited Peyton.
2. He got a catheter put up his leg which will deliver glucose and electrolytes the next couple of days. They will take out the tube in his belly button which is the way he was receiving these things before.
3. Yesterday he had a spinal tap and the preliminary results are good however we have to wait a full 72 hours for full results. Because of the good report he is off morphine and antibiotics! Also the spinal tap showed his white blood cell count was low so that means there should be no infection (this is what they thought sent Alaina into labor).
4. He should be off the ventilator this afternoon. He will have a tube in his nose to keep his lungs inflated, but not giving him any oxygen. They want him to breathe on his own, but that could be strenuous. This way his lungs will not have to do all the work.
5. He will have a feeding tube inserted in the next couple of days which should help plump Peyton up!
6. The echocardiogram showed no signs of the duct still being open. But they do not have the full results yet.

Praise God from whom all these blessings flow!

1 comment:

  1. Peyton, We praise God for your growth and strength. We saw the video that Bop is going to use as blackmail material. Baby Boy, you keep that video in the off chance that Mimi and Bop say "NO". Show them the video and ask how they could deny you anything.

    David and Shirley Moore
