Friday, August 14, 2009

Good News

Peyton is doing much better since they put him back on oxygen. He is keeping his O2 stats where they want them and he seems to be getting some of his energy back.

They are upping his feedings to 4 times daily at 43mls (30mls = 1 oz). He now weighs in at 4lbs 7.1 oz. The nurses have turned his isolette down to 29° and he is doing very well regulating his body temperature so he may be coming down to 28° an time now.

Prayers needed for next week, as he will have multiple test done to determine how healthy he is and how much support he is going to need when they do decide to send him home.
He will undergo a "dye" test where they are going to inject dye into his bladder and make sure everything runs out of the body not backwards into the kidneys. Then he will undergo an MRI of his heart and lungs to double check if everything is full developed and functioning properly. He is also going to get his 2 month immunizations.

We really appreciate the support and please continue to pray for him. Ask God to watch over him and the medical team to allow him to continue to grow healthy and strong.


1 comment:

  1. We love reading about Petyon's daily routine and his achievements, moving forward, a few more baby steps each day, towards coming home. God bless you all and know that we send you all our hope, faith and mostly our love. Char/Mitch Baker
