Wednesday, August 19, 2009

More Tests

Peyton had his developmental assessment yesterday afternoon and the doctor said that he is doing very well and right where he needs to be in terms of his growth.

He is now getting to have 8 bottles a day (full bottle feeding, no more tube) but they left the feeding tube in just in case he needs medication. 2 of his bottles now are Alaina's breast milk because they want to see if he has out grown his early allergy. Since he is getting the diuretic they are having to include some potassium into his food because he is urinating so much he is having trouble maintaining those levels.

He also had his ECO yesterday but there are no official results back on that at this time. We will probably get additional information on that around 5pm today.

They have also started weening him down on his O2 and everything seems to be going good on that for now.

He will have his VCUG (Dye Test) today to make sure everything is flowing out of the body and not backing up into his kidneys. Please pray that everything goes well with this test and that the ECO results come back favorable.

Please continue to pray that God watches over him and protects him. Thanks to all who continue to pray for him and think of us at this difficult time.


1 comment:

  1. Ahhh such a sweet boy and proud Momma! Alaina you look great! Our prayers are with you!
