Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Peyton had his sleep study late last night and into this morning. No official results yet but the nurse said he did well.

The only issue that is keeping him from coming home now is his Phosphorus levels are to low. They started adding Enfamil to his milk to raise his Calcium and Vitamin D levels last week, and now they are going to add more to get his Phosphorus level up. This is a concern because he is showing early signs of Rickets which is a softening of the bones which can lead to fractures. The doctor said there is nothing to worry about and he will eventually out grow it but for now they are going to continue to monitor him until they get his Phosphorus back up.

He is also going to have another eye exam today to test for ROP. If this test goes well they probably won't check him again for about a month. He will also probably undergo a car seat study sometime today to see if he can hold his head up enough to breathe and ride in a car seat. Also his immunizations are going to be today and have to be given over a 24 hour period. Please pray that all these tests and procedures go well and that God continue to watch over him.

Thanks to everyone who continue to keep him in your thoughts and prayers.


1 comment:

  1. I love the picture of Peyton sucking his thumb & I believe he is a very lucky little boy to have such loving parents, loving extended family and passoniate doctors, who have taken such amazing care of him. We are all truly blessed & give thanks to God for Peyton. charlotte
